Trasversal territories. Rural and industrial small towns in Sicily and Spain


  • Guido Cimadomo University of Malaga (Spain)
  • Renzo Lecardane University of Palermo (Italy)
  • María Isabel Alba Dorado University of Malaga (Spain)



small towns, community, health, depopulation, heritage, architecture project


The orographic and natural conditions, together with small towns’ cultural, heritage and industrial conditions, have become the landscape of relationships between spaces where silence, slowing down and acceleration define the urban and human imaginary of these transversal territories. Although very different from each other in terms of topographical location, traditions and cultural and linguistic specificities, it is possible to find constants of criticality and potential. This essay illustrates new readings and settles meanings to initiate a collaborative work in Sicily and Spain along the Trasversale Sicula and in the mining landscape of the Minas de La Reunión in the province of Seville. Here, it is possible to combine material and immaterial imaginaries that find the ideal setting in the rural and industrial small towns to start again from what remains and from the potential given by the generations in comparison.


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Author Biographies

Guido Cimadomo, University of Malaga (Spain)

Architect and PhD, he is a Senior Lecturer in Architectural Composition at the Department of Art and Architecture. Member of the Research Group HUM-696 Utopia, he investigates contemporary urban transformations and the documentation and cataloguing of cultural heritage as an expression of collective identity.

Renzo Lecardane, University of Palermo (Italy)

Architect and PhD, he is an Associate Professor in Urban and Architectural Design at the Department of Architecture. He is associated with the Laboratoire de Recherche Infrastructure Architecture Territoire (ENSA Paris Malaquais) and directs the multidisciplinary research group LabCity Architecture (Darch-UniPa) oriented to the relationship between architecture and innovation in the city and smaller towns.

María Isabel Alba Dorado, University of Malaga (Spain)

Architect and PhD, she is an Associate Professor in Architectural Design at the Department of Art and Architecture. Her main area of research concerns the disused industrial heritage (in terms of its characterisation and valorisation) and its effects on the surrounding landscape and the related interdisciplinary study and management methodologies.


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How to Cite

Cimadomo, G., Lecardane, R. and Alba Dorado, M. I. (2021) “Trasversal territories. Rural and industrial small towns in Sicily and Spain”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 10(online), pp. 24–35. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/1022021.