The mediation of Design – The integration between autonomous artificial agents, manufacturing production, and services
autonomous artificial agents, machine economy, design, industry 4.0, artificial intelligenceAbstract
This paper analyses the emergence of Autonomous Artificial Agents (AAA) and their impact on design in the era of Industry 4.0. Equipped with decision-making abilities, AAA is transforming the design of products and services and the relationship between production and consumption, leading to the introduction of new economic actors, such as ‘machine customers’. Through case study analysis in the Italian industrial context, this paper explores the implementation of these advanced technologies in business processes and invites reflection on the role of designers in the age of intelligent machines, suggesting a responsible approach that considers the ethical and social implications. Finally, future perspectives related to the widespread adoption of AAA are discussed, focusing on the evolution of the programmable economy and its effects on design and businesses.
Article info
Received: 09/09/2024; Revised: 22/10/2024; Accepted: 23/10/2024
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