Energy and circular transition of the industrial heritage – The Ex SNIA case in Rome
industrial heritage, energy transition, circular design, adaptive reuse, resource flowAbstract
The paper presents the outcomes of research activities focused on disused industrial heritage sites understood as a strategic resource for the energy and circular transition, through the adoption of regenerative actions capable of triggering new circular processes intrinsic to adaptive reuse interventions and/or activated by it and extended to the territory. The experimental approach aims to define conservation-compatible interventions within the broader framework of characterising current and potential resource flows, both material and immaterial, to achieve a circular ecosystem with zero-emission energy production, reuse and recycling of materials and water. In particular, the paper illustrates two ‘circular adaptive reuse’ scenarios on a pilot case, the most complex among the sites identified within the research activities, assessing the level of achieved circularity through specific indicators.
Article info
Received: 18/03/2024; Revised: 16/04/2024; Accepted: 23/04/2024
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