The Design Process towards Resource Productivity. A Case Study


  • Serena Baiani 'Sapienza' University of Roma
  • Paola Altamura 'Sapienza' University of Roma



resource productivity, cradle to cradle, design for disassembly, recycled materials, green public procurement


The transition to a circular economy, applied as a priority to the built environment, is recognized in the most recent EU guidelines as a promising approach to increase resource productivity. In Italy, a powerful lever is represented by the mandatory application of the Minimum Environmental Criteria within Green Public Procurement which, in construction (Ministerial Decree 11/10/2017), concern the totality of the contracts. The paper describes one of the first complete implementations of these Criteria, considering the innovation in the design process from a life cycle perspective, which is reflected in particular in the methods of selection and procurement of natural and eco-friendly materials, with recycled content and certificated products, as well as in the design for disassembly of building components.


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Author Biographies

Serena Baiani, 'Sapienza' University of Roma

Architect and PhD, she is Associate Professor of Architectural Technology at the PDTA Department. Specialized in Industrial Design, she carries out research activities on the relationship between technological innovation and the project of existing buildings, based on the themes of ecological and energy efficiency in the recovery of the built environment.

Paola Altamura, 'Sapienza' University of Roma

Architect and PhD, she is a Teaching Assistant in Architectural Technology at the PDTA Department. She carries out research and experimentation on the upcycling of waste materials in architecture. Co-founder of the start-up Atlante Inerti Project, she is responsible for the Working Group on GPP CAM of ANPAR.


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How to Cite

Baiani, S. and Altamura, P. (2019) “The Design Process towards Resource Productivity. A Case Study ”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 5(online), pp. 83–92. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/592019.



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