Design and Gastrophysics – Innovation and sustainability of multisensory food systems
food systems, gastrophysics, food design, sustainable development goals, transdisciplinarityAbstract
In recent years, Design has assumed an increasingly significant role in the field of food systems, contributing through the formulation of strategies and approaches as well as the creation of innovative artefacts and solutions. This integration is evident in the most advanced iterations of food culture, such as Molecular Cuisine, nutraceuticals, and Sci-Fi Food, which apply scientific tools and principles of Design to food production and consumption processes. From this perspective, the paper explores the emerging scientific field of Gastrophysics, interpreting it not only as an analytical tool but also as a design methodology to foster sustainable innovations in Food Design. The contribution also provides an overview of the state of the art of sustainable food systems, with a focus on recent experiments and projects that, through the synergies between Gastrophysics and Communication Design, Service Design, Technological Innovation, and Medical Design, can open up new holistic and systemic perspectives for research fields that can develop synergies between the different Sustainable Development Goals.
Article info
Received: 03/07/2024; Revised: 10/12/2024; Accepted: 11/12/2024
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