A sustainable future for hamlets. Albergo Diffuso and new regeneration scenarios


  • Giancarlo Dall’Ara University of Perugia
  • Teresa Villani ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome




hamlets regeneration, sustainable tourism, meta-design, cultural heritage, reuse, recycling


This paper addresses the global and unprecedented crisis that has hit the tourism industry and the great thrust towards regeneration and rebirth of hamlets, considered today as places for future living. The paper intends to provide a different reading of the accommodation model Albergo Diffuso, to highlight its potential in regeneration of hamlets, social inclusion, and repurposing of the built environment, favouring reuse and zero soil occupation. Starting from the specific features of facilities and the new ‘demand’, we present the results of a fact-finding survey aimed at developing meta-design tools, assessing impact in terms of regeneration of hamlets, and identifying strategies and actions to define best practices of operation on the built environment, with a responsible and sustainable perspective.


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Author Biographies

Giancarlo Dall’Ara, University of Perugia

Former Professor of Tourism Marketing, he is the President of the Alberghi Diffusi National Association; tourism expert, he has extensive knowledge of sustainable tourism development and tourist reception projects.
E-mail: giancarlo.dallara@gmail.com

Teresa Villani, ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome

Architect and PhD, she is an Associate Professor in Architectural Technology at the PDTA Department. Her research field concerns tools for planning and designing redevelopment interventions; in building intended for community services she has conducted studies on new organizational models for cultural and hospitality services aimed at enhancing and promoting the territories.
E-mail: teresa.villani@uniroma1.it


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How to Cite

Dall’Ara, G. and Villani, T. (2020) “A sustainable future for hamlets. Albergo Diffuso and new regeneration scenarios”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 8(online), pp. 230–243. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/8222020.