Wooden Churches of Lithuania


  • Tiziana Campisi University of Palermo
  • Liucija Berežanskytė University of Palermo




wooden architecture, Lithuania, safeguard


Lithuania has a great variety of wooden architectures, among which the churches emerge for their quality and construction characters, prevailing the use of local materials. The strong link between architecture and the uncontaminated nature of places defines the identity of architectures, so that they sometimes appear almost like a large wooden sculpture, carved in a unique piece. The meticulous knowledge of the buildings has created an atlas of construction techniques, proposing itself as a tool for the conservation and preservation of refined building heritage; the atlas is divided according to themes as wood species, processing methods, construction phases, mutual relationship between the various technical units.


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Author Biographies

Tiziana Campisi, University of Palermo

Associate Professor of Technical Architecture at the Department of Architecture (d’ARCH), she teachesTechnical Architecture and Construction Techniques of Historical Architecture. The research activity refers to traditional construction techniques and to the compatible recovery of historical architecture.
E-mail: tiziana.campisi@unipa.it

Liucija Berežanskytė, University of Palermo

Construction engineer, she is a PhD and freelancer. Se has been studying the characteristics of the wooden architecture of Lithuania for a long time, tracing the constants and the elements of originality and promoting an awareness campaign for the enhancement and preservation of valuable architectural heritage.
Email: liucija.berezanskyte@gmail.com


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Chiesa di San Giuseppe di Palūšė (1757) in Lituania




How to Cite

Campisi, T. and Berežanskytė, L. (2017) “Wooden Churches of Lithuania”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 2(online), pp. 127–134. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/2172017.



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