Design and complexity. A multiscale approach for updating the project’s control tools


  • Fabio Conato University of Ferrara
  • Valentina Frighi University of Ferrara



multiscale approach, environmental design, technological design, innovative materials and products, performance control


In the current situation, it is necessary to propose an integrated, multiscale and multidisciplinary approach to manage the complexity of the architectural project, identifying decision support tools to perform multicriteria assessments between technical performance and different environmental criteria. This contribution presents the results of research activities undertaken in the framework of a PRRIITT within the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara, with the collaboration of the Larco Laboratory – High Technology Network of the Emilia Romagna Region and various companies, for the development of a method able to evaluate in a provisional way and during the design phase the different environmental quality components generated by the technological system, overcoming today simplification intrinsic in current assessment and certification models.


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Author Biographies

Fabio Conato, University of Ferrara

Architect, he is an Associate Professor in Technology for Architecture at the Department of Architecture. His research activities are mainly focused on building envelope’s domain, with particular attention towards the application of innovative building materials, components and systems. In the professional field, he works at both urban and architectonic scale.

Valentina Frighi, University of Ferrara

Architect, she is a PhD Student at the Department of Architecture. She carries out didactic and research activities on the domain of technologies for architecture, with a focus on building envelope’s innovative materials and components. In the professional field, she acts as a consultant, providing technical and design support in studios and architecture’s societies.


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Synthetic indications for the design of the building aggregate concerning the direction of the prevailing winds (credit: F. Conato and V. Frighi). AGATHÓN 7 | 2020




How to Cite

Conato, F. and Frighi, V. (2020) “Design and complexity. A multiscale approach for updating the project’s control tools”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 7(online), pp. 154–163. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/7162020.



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