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Technology as an enabler of a new ecosystem responsive urbanism. Interview with Caro Ratti (CRA Studio)


  • Giorgia Tucci University of Genoa (Italy)
  • Carlo Ratti Associati



global challenges, decarbonisation, sustainability, experimentation, urban regeneration


In recent decades, the growing awareness of the exhaustibility of our planet’s resources has placed sustainability at the centre of current global policies that, to cope with the complex international situation, have set goals for sustainable development, promoting actions that provide ecological, digital and social innovation. The increasing contamination of digital technology in the urban context has led to reflections on urban reformulation processes and innovative actions promoting the global transition process. The new urban and territorial approach is moving towards a new paradigm of integration between artificial and natural, technology and sustainability, digital and ecology. Testimony to this transition is the transdisciplinary approach in the design and experimentation of the international practice of Carlo Ratti Associati (CRA).


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Author Biographies

Giorgia Tucci, University of Genoa (Italy)

Architect and PhD, she is an Adjunct Professor and Research Fellow at the Department of Architecture and Design. Her research rethinks the identity of rural coastal cities in the Mediterranean through integrated territorial strategies with the application of new technological systems and innovative design approaches. She is the founder of the web platform

Carlo Ratti Associati

 Carolo Ratti Assosiati (CRA) is an international design and innovation firm based in Turin and New York. Drawing on Carlo Ratti’s research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT (USA), the office is currently involved in many projects across the globe, embracing every scale of intervention, from furniture to urban planning. CRA is the only design firm whose works have been featured three times in TIME Magazine’s ‘Best Inventions of the Year’ list – respectively with the Digital Water Pavilion in 2007, the Copenhagen Wheel in 2014 and Scribit in 2019. In recent years, the office has been involved in the launch of Makr Shakr (a startup producing the world’s first robotic bar system) and Scribit (the write&erase robot). Webpage:


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Helsinki Aerial view of Hot Heart project (credit: CRA – Carlo Ratti Associati, 2021). AGATHÓN 12 | 2022





How to Cite

Tucci, G. and Associati, C. R. (2022) “Technology as an enabler of a new ecosystem responsive urbanism. Interview with Caro Ratti (CRA Studio)”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 12(online), pp. 190–201. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/12172022.

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