Cohousing and new dwelling cultures in post-seismic urban planning


  • Mauro Francini University of Calabria
  • Rosario Chimirri University of Calabria
  • Annunziata Palermo University of Calabria
  • Maria Francesca Viapiana University of Calabria



emergency, planning, interdisciplinarity, cohousing, sustainability


Can traditional dwelling support urban planning for new post-seismic emergency settlements? These settlements, from a perspective of compositional speed, are often characterized by inappropriate barracks and by single experimental typologies, that predominantly tend to suggestion. The present contribution, also on the basis of historical-anthropological studies, concerning past community life and current reality, between fragility of the landscape and incongruity of human actions, indicates a return to cohousing as one of the most interesting criteria for the redefinition of urban interventions, opening towards scientific scenarios based on interdisciplinarity, as well as creating an experimental laboratory for planning.


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Author Biographies

Mauro Francini, University of Calabria

Full Professor of Urban Engineering. His research activities include the study of models, techniques and tools for urban and territorial planning and management.

Rosario Chimirri, University of Calabria

Architect, he is Adjunct Professor of History of Architecture and responsible for scientific research of the cultures of living in peripheral areas.

Annunziata Palermo, University of Calabria

Researcher of Urban Engineering. She is interested in strategic planning of medium and low density urban and rural integrated systems, sustainable regeneration and urban and territorial resilience.

Maria Francesca Viapiana, University of Calabria

Associate Professor of Urban Engineering. She is interested in urban design and planning with particular attention to the role of sustainability in regeneration processes.


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Francini, M. (2012), Recupero di aree marginali e mobilità – Interrelazioni sostenibili per lo sviluppo di sistemi urbani, Franco Angeli, Milano.

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Nicolin, P. (1883), Dopo il terremoto, Electa, Milano.

Pinzello, I., Canale, L., Giampino, A., Scaduto, M. and Todaro, V. (2012), “Pianificazione e Ricostruzione – Opportunità e strategie per il rilancio della Valle del Belice”, in Planum | The Journal of Urbanism, n. 25, vol. 2.

Spalla, A. (2008), Fare un paese – Emergenza e ricostruzione a Cavallerizzo in Calabria, Diabasis, Parma.

Tarpino, A. (2016), Il paesaggio fragile, Einaudi editore, Roma.

Teti, V. (2015), Terra inquieta, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli.

Post-earthquake urban system in Monterosso (credit: Chimirri, 2018).




How to Cite

Francini, M., Chimirri, R., Palermo, A. and Viapiana, M. F. (2018) “Cohousing and new dwelling cultures in post-seismic urban planning”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 4(online), pp. 153–158. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/4192018.



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