Building reversibility: executive design examples


  • Massimo Lauria Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria



building reversibility, executive planning, technological innovation, building production, technical information


The article presents executive design examples carried out in recent years on the topic of building reversibility. It is an activity whose results have a double interpretive register. On the one hand, they allow dissemination and sharing of teaching practices related to the current disciplinary statute reconfigurations. On the other hand, they help us to explore how the transformations of the current scenario are reshaping cultural, technical and operational boundaries of the relationship between built environment transformation, plan, its teaching and the profile of the designers educated in the Architecture schools.


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Author Biography

Massimo Lauria, Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria

Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture and Territory. He carries out research on themes of recovery and refurbishment intervention in modern and pre-modern existing buildings, building construction, maintainability.


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Design for Sustainable Housing




How to Cite

Lauria, M. (2018) “Building reversibility: executive design examples”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 3(online), pp. 63–70. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/392018.



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