Architect training in multifaceted environments – A new cognitive level approach
complexity, project training, cognitive sciences, mental images, digital technologiesAbstract
This paper originates from the awareness that today we live in such a complex world that many of the assumptions on which, until a few decades ago, we based the activity of planning how to transform our environment for living have gone completely awry. On this basis, we will put forward an argument for a cognitive expansion of the training processes for new generations of architects, focusing on the use of mental images. Such an approach, useful for the increasingly indispensable continuous self-training of architects, can accustom them to more appropriate and flexible methods of planning spaces, in their perceptual and material-constructive aspects and could also be helpful – as some recent experiments show – for better tackling the digital transition, one of the most widespread and integrated aspects of contemporary complexity.
Article info
Received: 04/09/2024; Revised: 20/09/2024; Accepted: 26/09/2024
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