Modular patterns in hygroscopic 4D printing design – Form and programming of the material
bio-inspired solutions, shape change, material programming, wood-based composites, modular patternsAbstract
4D Printing (4DP) can be used to create bio-inspired, hygro-responsive actuators using Wood Polymer Composites (WPCs). The research emphasises the role of precise control of kinematics through material programming and printing parameters to achieve dynamic shape-change mechanisms in response to environmental factors. In 4DP, the geometric configurations of printed objects depend not only on the materials but also on their combination, time, and environmental stimuli, leading to the concept of material architecture: in the context of 4DP, the relationship between form and matter is, therefore, redefined. In this paper, the relationship between the responsive WPCs 4DP actuators with their material architecture and their hygroscopic deformations is discussed, highlighting the role of the modular patterns in the definition of the reaction to the stimulus and the final configuration of the object.
Article info
Received: 17/09/2023; Revised: 13/10/2023; Accepted: 22/10/2023
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