Vertical farm. New architectures and cities from the forms of agriculture
vertical farms, Skyfarm, Farmscraper, Farmhouse, right to foodAbstract
The paper investigates the convergence between nature and architecture, analysing the phenomenon of vertical farms as an architectural manifestation of specific contemporary trends. These high-rise buildings are functional for agriculture while also exhibiting sustainability features, such as the reduction of supply chains and land consumption. The issue is articulated through four areas: the origin of the tall building as a symbolic expression and its contemporary evolution; above-ground agriculture in relation to classical macroeconomic categories since the 1700s; and three case studies of experimental vertical farms (Skyfarm, Farmscraper and Farmhouse), interpreted as possible origins of new architectural types. In conclusion, a critical analysis of the potential urban impacts of vertical farms is conducted, based on the concept of the right to food.
Article info
Received: 20/03/2023; Revised: 02/05/2023; Accepted: 09/05/2023
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