From Superillas to tactical greneery. Experiments and transcalar strategies of vegetal regeneration of urban space
urban reforestation, urbanature, tactical urbanism, urban farming, green infrastructureAbstract
New urban action, based on the development of green areas as a strategic tool for upgrading the city from an environmental, social and cultural point of view, is at its most innovative, the result of transversal initiatives at different levels by a variety of subjects. Experimentation and policies relating to the city and its neighbourhoods interact and are enriched in their relationship with local strategies and networks of punctual micro-interventions through spontaneous, bottom-up initiatives. This paper intends to highlight how today, in the varied design of the city, there is a common thread between large-scale planning experiences (municipal metropolitan plans), those on a neighbourhood scale of the Superillas, the Ville du Quart d’Heure and those on a small scale of Tactical Greenery. The common goal of creating green infrastructure for the future will be to permeate city living spaces.
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