RESTONED. From Waste Material to Sustainable Stone


  • Annalisa Di Roma Polytechnic of Bari
  • Alessandra Scarcelli Polytechnic of Bari
  • Vincenzo Minenna Polytechnic of Bari



sustainable design, product innovation, stone design, circular economy, digital manufacturing


The ReSTONED research investigates the theme of environmental sustainability related to the production cycle, starting with the reuse of the stone waste material, to be transformed into new material for indoor and outdoor products. The research is based on the product innovation field, with particular reference to materials from natural sources and furniture. With a view to strengthening the regional circular economy, the research hypothesis is that the production waste, defined as ‘processing mud’, can be re-processed in order to obtain new material with renewed characteristics both from a technical and an aesthetic point of view.


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Author Biographies

Annalisa Di Roma, Polytechnic of Bari

Architect and PhD, she is Associate Professor in Industrial Design, specializing in Design and Digital Manufacturing. At the center of her research interests is the contemporary material culture of design, focused on product innovation in the context of advanced industrial standards, with a focus on the sustainability of processes, products, and materials. She is the Scientific Coordinator of the Design_Kind laboratory.

Alessandra Scarcelli, Polytechnic of Bari

Architect and PhD, she is a Research Fellow and Adjunct Professor of Industrial Design. She is specialized in Lighting Design. The current research area combines the transversal areas of product design and information design, with particular reference to the socio-cultural aspects.

Vincenzo Minenna, Polytechnic of Bari

Architect and PhD, he is a Research Fellow and Adjunct Professor of Industrial Design. He is specialized in building systems and stone products. He deals with parametric design and digital manufacturing processes.


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Experimentation with a composite lamp obtained with a silicone mould, with backlit (credit: F. Valente, 2018). agathón




How to Cite

Di Roma, A. ., Scarcelli, A. and Minenna, V. (2019) “RESTONED. From Waste Material to Sustainable Stone”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 5(online), pp. 183–190. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/5212019.



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